Stay With The Wagons – book 3 – Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail by David Fitz-Gerald


Venture deep into the uncharted wilderness and crest the continental divide.

Stay with the Wagons is the enthralling third chapter in the Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail series. Dorcas Moon has discarded her mourning dress and yearns for freedom and independence amidst the vast frontier. But a perilous world and a commanding wagon master keep her tethered. Ultimately, it’s a brutal bout of fever and ague that confine her to camp.

Relentless disasters and beguiling challenges unfold in this installment. A young man is crushed beneath a wagon wheel. Dorcas’ son breaks an arm, a grizzly bear attacks the wagon train, and the looming threat of attacking outlaws whips the emigrants into a worried frenzy. How many must perish before they reach the end of the trail?

As chaos reigns, her troubled daughter, Rose, disappears once again, leading Dorcas on a perilous quest. Tracking Rose to a sacred site, they encounter a blind seer and a legendary leader, Chief Washakie. Rose’s enchantment with Native American adornments sparks Dorcas’ concern about an unexpected suitor and raises worries about Rose’s age.

Stay with the Wagons is bursting with action, adventure, and survival. It is a story of resilience and empowerment on the Oregon Trail.

Claim your copy now and re-immerse yourself in a tale of high-stakes survival, unexpected alliances, and the indomitable spirit of Dorcas Moon.

265 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 15, 2024


Unrelenting drama, that’s what you’ll find in this tale of toil and trouble. The author has brought this amazing trek to life. It’s difficult to imagine the agonizing daily grind; the sheer magnitude of what these pioneers are trying to accomplish; the mounting fears of what lies ahead. Dorcas Moon and her disparate group of travelers continue to push on; and continue to survive the tumult and uncertainty. With more yet to come, my peeps and fellow travelers along the Oregon Trail, yoke up those oxen. There are more rivers to cross, and hills to climb. 5 Stars

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