A Grave Every Mile

Ghosts Along the Oregon Trail – book 1 by David Fitz-Gerald


I’d been looking forward to this series ever since the author mentioned he was working on an Oregon Trail series. There were several reasons for my anticipation; first and foremost among them is the simple fact that I am fascinated with this period of American history. Also, I was curious as to how the author would carry over the spiritual/mystical elements in his other works concerning the main characters in this series. I was also interested in the portrayal of the day-to-day events in a wagon train; the daily trudging mile after seemingly endless mile; the toil, the pains, the insects, the remains of those who died, the unexpected vagaries of the weather. Well, my fellow readers, I am happy to report that the author has masterfully set us on our journey. A Grave Every Mile takes you walking alongside those wagons, makes you feel the sun, the rain, the howling wind, and the incessant insects and allows you to hear that blasted trumpet reveille every morning. It is a full immersion into what it took to make that trek told in an engaging tale. I love the characters; I love the daily plotlines; I love the way the author integrates that spiritual/mystical family element.

It is a long trip, my fellow trekkers and the beginning of it has shown us that there is much toil ahead; much joy ahead; but also much sadness. 5 Stars

One thought on “A Grave Every Mile

  1. David Fitz-Gerald December 10, 2023 / 2:07 pm

    Thank you for joining the expedition! Appreciate the read and review.
    All the best,
    David Fitz-Gerald

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